Florence van Rossum

Since July 2020 I have been working as a Judge at the District Court of Rotterdam. From 1 October 2022 to the end of December 2023, I will follow an intensive training there. This means I will not be able to take on new cases. However if you contact me through my email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., I will be happy to refer you to someone else.

"My passion in this work, after 30 years, still is to be able to solve a problem my clients may have, thanks to my knowledge and experience in the field of Dutch Labor law. I advise companies on reorganizations and individual termination cases and I negotiate for employees, threatened with termination. I think it is important that the solution is as good as possible for all parties; winning is gratifying, but the most important thing is that everyone can get on with their life and work, as quickly as possible. "


Florence van Rossum started her career by working for 6 years in an international lawfirm as Employment Lawyer and founded her own firm in 1994.

Her membership of the Netherlands Employment Lawyers Association is recognized in the Netherlands as a quality mark. Florence actively updates her know-how by following courses and having weekly consultations with fellow specialists in the field. She is also recognized as an employment law specialist at the Dutch Bar Association.

Since 2021 Florence van Rossum has been appointed as a judge at the Rotterdam District Court.

Van Rossum Guyon is a member of the French Dutch Chamber of Commerce and Florence van Rossum had a seat in its Board for 15 years.

Florence is trilingual and has the French and Dutch nationality. She can advise you in English, French and Dutch.

Her working methods are up to date; that is, Florence is working paperless since many years now and she has a flexible office at Spaces Amsterdam, but just as easily holds office in Paris or elsewhere.

Van Rossum Guyon also works closely with specialists in other fields, so that it can offer "full service" in more complex cases. Florence van Rossum is the founding member of the "Groupe Avocats Pays-Bas" whose members are able to guide you through international transactions under Dutch law.

In her spare time, Florence can often be found rowing on the Amstel and she is actively involved with Philosophy (in which she also graduated), in particular with Spinoza.


You can call Florence on all subjects of Dutch labor law

  • Drawing up and reviewing employment contracts
  • Terms of employment
  • Labor disputes
  • Termination cases, individual and collective
  • Procedures with UWV or Court (‘Kantonrechter’)
  • Reorganisations/Restructuring
  • Incapacity for work/Illness
  • Non Compete clauses
  • Employer's liability
  • Works Council issues
  • Statutory director

The firm Van Rossum Guyon

Vijzelstraat 68-78
1017 HL Amsterdam
The Netherlands

T +31 20 320 50 54
E florence@vrglaw.com